17-19 Settembre MARCOPOLO space, toolbox, via agostno da montefeltro 2

Our vision for Graphic Days in the city®: Think, Play, Touch for us means facing the world of technological innovation with a creative look, focused on the full spectrum of our reality, to continue to be amazed and collaborate on a parallel growth between the world of communication and industry.

What did you miss? We explored the relationship between creativity and industry, and tried to demonstrate how two worlds often perceived as distant and unrelated are in fact closely connected and, indeed, today more than ever necessary to each other. How? Thanks to Eva! Who is Eva? We hoped you would ask!

We took a hyper-industrial product and dressed it up with creativity, creating a series of installations in our spaces that would allow it to act "out of the scheme" and show itself in a different light. What about Eva? Eva is a co-bot produced by Automata, a company leader in industrial automation. Easy to program and with a friendly "face", Eva has been the "arm" of the operation 😉


Keep an Eye

Are we observing Eva, or is she studying you? To best help you, she must learn from us.


Hi, I’m Eva

A robotic arm that could move wasn’t enough for us, Eva also had to talk… and print 😉


Eva’s room

Is the Terminator the most dangerous robot for humans? Maybe you’ve never met a teenager and uncooperative Eva!


How to Eva

Getting you to look wasn’t enough, we also wanted to teach you! And guess what? You all succeeded! How? Thanks to Coreograph, the intuitive software specially developed for Eva. Thanks to a simple keyframe system, it allows you to program her with extreme simplicity!

No, we do not sell or handle Eva directly 🙁

Think, Play, Touch was made possible thanks to our partner, IDT Solution, a Turin-based company that has been developing industrial technologies using Open-Source software for embedded systems and micro-robotics since 2016.

Thank you all (and there were more than 300 of you!). This is the recap of 3 incredible days.
And guess what? We're just getting started 😀.